At DeLoach Industries, Inc., we specialize in four distinct types of water processing. From conceptual design and engineering to construction and ongoing maintenance, we provide end-to-end solutions that can be tailored to your specific requirements. Our dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction is unwavering, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you with our expertise and experience.
Hydrogen Sulfide Forced Draft Degasification (H2S)- DeLoach Industries Inc. manufactures a complete line of water Degasification equipment commonly referred to as "Degasifiers" or “Decarbonators.” The water quality and the type of water filtration utilized often define the types of systems needed. For the removal of Hydrogen Sulfide gas (H2S) the type of system required is called a “Degasifier” or “Degasification Tower”. These systems can remove harmful and hazardous H2S levels to 99.999% efficiency when adequately applied for water treatment.
Induced or Forced Draft Carbon Dioxide Removal (C02) - To lower C02 and increase pH post-treatment of membrane filtration or lime softening, the most cost-effective process is referred to as “Decarbonation.” Equipment designed to perform Decarbonation are called “Decarbonators” or “Degasifiers”. Decarbonators remove Carbon Dioxide (C02) to raise the pH of the water post membrane or lime softening treatment by stripping the gas from the water. When properly designed and sized, the post-water treatment pH can be raised by 1 to 1.5 units, bringing the water back to a neutral pH level and eliminating the need for chemical pH adjustment. This drastically lowers operating costs and improves water quality.
Induced or Forced Draft Aeration for Iron Oxidation (Fe)- DeLoach Industries also manufactures a complete line of Aerators for the aeration of water within a process treatment system. The need to aerate the water is usually driven by the need to “oxidize” iron Fe and or other naturally occurring elements found in water. Aeration is the most economical method to initiate the oxidation process for water treatment.
Process Type Selection
We offer a versatile range of packed towers in various types and sizes to suit your specific needs. Our product line encompasses both "Forced Draft" and "Induced Draft" tower options, and you can choose between "Round" and "Square" configurations, providing you with flexibility in designing the ideal solution for your requirements.
Round Packed Towers Verses Square Design
DeLoach Industries manufactures all of its towers in two different configurations and with three types of materials. Round-packed Aeration and Degasification towers typically use “loose fill” media packing to achieve the Ntu and Htu values required during the design and engineering of a tower. However, DeLoach Industries also manufactures a full line of Square” towers for water treatment, which provides its customers with the option of both “loose fill” media or the DeLoach proprietary slat tray media that reduces fouling and the need for frequent cleaning cycles. Both tower types perform identically for removal efficiency. However, the square design provides increased loading rate capabilities based on the additional square footage of surface area and lower operating costs by reducing fouled media. Both methods are offered in Fiberglass contact molded or Filament Wound, Aluminum using 6061 aircraft grade, or Stainless Steel. All towers have a 10-year warranty on all tower shells and internals, excluding media and blowers, with limited warranties subject to maintenance schedules.
DeLoach Industries offers its customers and design engineers full support and has an inventory of “pilot equipment” for testing and developing new or expansion projects. When other factors impact the design selection, the need to field test a system arises. DeLoach Industries can provide package treatment systems for field testing or, in some cases, emergency treatment when critical systems are down due to maintenance shutdowns. All systems can be supplied with full controls and pumping systems as may be needed. The size of pilot water treatment systems can be scaled to match the needs of each client.